Tips To Boost Metabolism – A big concept about your body functions. It is a process that is mainly responsible for the chemical transformations keeping your body alive and functioning. The metabolic rate decides your body’s health. The higher metabolism, the more you feel energetic. The higher metabolic rate helps you to burn more calories resulting in weight loss.

One may not have control over the genetic aspects of the metabolism but can try out how you can speed up your metabolic rate and process the calories.

Here are the seven useful tips to boost your metabolism easily.

1. Eat Regular:

The body needs regularity and stability hence, maintain a good metabolic rate by eating at regular times. If you think you can eat more and stay for a longer time without eating then your body may start storing fat instead of burning the calories faster.

An expert says that you should consume several small meals or snacks every 3-4 hours.

2. Consume Adequate Calories:

Losing weight is everybody’s concern but skipping a meal is never a solution. It can affect your metabolism negatively. Consuming fewer calories also affects the body by slowing down the metabolic rate. You may feel tired all the time due to a slow metabolic rate.

Depending on the physical activity levels, an adult woman needs 1600-2400 calories a day and men need between 2000-3000.

3. Drink plenty of water:

One of the simplest things you can do is drink a lot of water. Drinking plenty of water keeps you hydrated and helps in weight loss too. Water is essential for optimal metabolism.

Drinking nine glass of water every day can reduce the average weight and body mass index.

4. Amount of sleep:

Your sleeping habit affects metabolism. There is a significant impact of sleeping disorders on metabolism. Laboratory studies show that sleep deprivation can alter the glucose and hormones involved in regulating metabolism. It increases ghrelin levels and decreases leptin levels.

So, get the right amount of sleep. Ideally, between 7to, 9 hours of sleep is good for health.

5. High-Intensity Workout:

High-Intensity Interval Training HIIT creates a huge impact on metabolism. Each and every interval of HIIT is Like spraying lighter fluid on the fire. After having a high-intensity workout session, the flame gradually burns down and seethes for a long time.

This works like lit a fire to burn it all night, and you will see that the coals were still hot and glowing in the morning. There is the same effect on your metabolism. The calories keep on burning even after the workout is complete.

6. Add proteins to your meal:

After having a meal, the metabolism gets increased for a few hours. It is due to the thermic effect of food TEF. The reason is the extra calories required to digest, absorb, and process the nutrients in your meal.

Protein causes the largest effect of TEF rise. It increases the metabolic rate by 15-30% compared to 5-10% for carbs and 0-3% for fats. Consuming protein in your meal helps you feel full for a longer time, thus preventing you from overeating.

Replace some carbs with protein-rich food as they boost metabolism at mealtime. Good protein sources include lean beef, turkey, fish, white meat chicken, tofu, nuts, beans, eggs, and low-fat dairy products.

7. Time to Stand up

People are living a lifestyle where they are surrounded by full of comforts. Physical activities like walking, standing, jogging are not often. But, sitting too much is bad for the health. Sitting for long periods can result in weight gain with fewer calorie burns.

If you have a desk job, try to stand up after short intervals to break the time spent sitting down. Studies say that an afternoon standing up at work can burn an extra 174 calories.

Sparing some time to observe our lifestyle can help us improve your health. Above tips are simple and useful to implement to increase your body’s metabolism. A higher metabolism is further helpful to lose weight and keeps it off, giving you more energy.

Stay away from stress and try to incorporate intense workout in your routine that can boost your metabolism. If you are making changes to your diet, it is always good to speak your doctor first.